Implant Options
In many situations, a dental implant is the most aesthetically pleasing or appropriate treatment option for replacing a missing tooth. A dental crown or dental bridge, secured to a dental implant, provides a complete and beautiful solution for improving your smile. The procedure is often less traumatic than having a tooth extracted.
What are your treatment options?
The procedure involves placing one or more titanium fixtures (implant) into the bone and after a healing period a crown or bridge is constructed and attached to the fixture, replacing the missing tooth/teeth.
The gold standard for replacing a single front missing tooth is an implant. Implants do not involve drilling healthy teeth in order to replace a missing tooth.
Donnybrook Dental Surgery has the state of the art Nobel Guide System (computer guided software) which allows the dentist to assess, select and place the best possible implant with accuracy.
Implants can also be placed to stabilise loose dentures or as a denture alternative.