
What are the options for treatment?

Partial denture

A partial denture is made to fill the space left by a few missing teeth. To hold the partial denture in position, clasps are used to secure the denture nearby teeth. Your denture can be made of acrylic or metal and your dentists can discuss the best option for you.

Full denture

A full denture is made when all the natural teeth are missing. It is fitted to replace the upper teeth, lower teeth or both.

Immediate denture

The dentist inserts an immediate denture at the same appointment where teeth are extracted. The advantage is that this means you avoid a period with no teeth. However, this option means that you will need several adjustments to your denture over time, once the gums and bone have adjusted. It is likely that a remodelled denture will need to be constructed once the gums and bone have settled down.

Over denture

An over denture is a denture that fits over the top of the remaining teeth, or over crowns or by attachment to dental implants. These teeth or dental implants act as anchors to secure it in place.
