Crooked or Crowded Teeth
If you have crooked or crowded teeth there are a number of benefits to seeing a dentist to discuss what treatment can be done to correct any issues and make your smile perfect. If your teeth are crowded or crooked, you might be experiencing problems with:
- Keeping your teeth and gums clean resulting in decay and plaque build-up.
- Wear and tear on your teeth from clenching and grinding.
- Damage to your gums.
- Stress on your jaw joint from misaligned biting patterns.
Modern technology means patients can be offered various forms of treatment, to correct a variety of issues with crooked or crowded teeth. So, your best option is to check with your dentist who can perform a full diagnostic assessment and determine what the options are.
What are your treatment options?
While you can see for yourself if teeth are crooked, your dentist can determine if the problem warrants treatment. Your dentist will look for the following signs:
- Abnormal alignment of teeth
- Abnormal appearance of the face
- Difficulty or discomfort when chewing or biting
- Speech difficulties, including a lisp.
There are a number of options, dependant on what your Dentist sees after an examination, x-rays and after making up some study models of your teeth. These options might include: –
Referral to an Orthodontist for specialist treatment
If your dentist thinks that specialist treatment we can refer you on to one of our recommended specialists
Tooth removal
Removal of one or more teeth may be required if overcrowding is the main problem. In some cases, you might need a referral to an orthodontist to discuss braces to correct the problem.
Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are thin, tooth-coloured porcelain shells that are carefully crafted to bond to and cover the front of teeth. They are a more conservative treatment for the correction than crowns and can be used in the event of the underlying tooth being strong and healthy. They are also excellent for treating chipped, discoloured, slightly misaligned or misshapen teeth or gaps between the teeth.
Composite Resin
Composite resin may also be recommended as an option for small irregularities, a temporary measure or to repair a chipped tooth. Laminate veneers may also be recommended for small blemishes, gaps and other issues. Both of these options can be a cost effective alternative.
Two or three trips to the Dentist will usually be required to prepare the teeth and fit the veneers. Your dentist will discuss your needs with you and plan the treatment that suits you best.